Ramadan 101 – Who Must Fast

Irshaad Sedick


Channel: Irshaad Sedick

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The speakers discuss the importance of fasting during political events and the negative impact it can have on health and mental health. They stress the need for individuals to be aware of their weight and manage their daily activities to achieve their goals. The speakers also emphasize the importance of regular training for children to understand their weight and practices. The conversation touches on the topic of the moon and the importance of witnessing the event, as well as the need for video in publicity. The speakers also mention the need for female witnesses to confirm the presence of the moon on the western side of South Africa.

Transcript ©

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All humans share it on your Ragini Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Roff Manu Rafi Murni Kyo me D in a canal boudoir II canister I mean, dinner Surat Ali Mustafi Surat on levy inna and I lay him royal Mel do we I lay him more than board Nene in mean, along with Elena will hire or team Linda will hire Rajala Workiva Audrina been hired by medical Hyrule Afia in Kerala coalition and Kadir Allahumma, alumna myON founder and founder Vemma Lambton, I was ignited Allahumma Burdick Lennar Fe Shaban mobile living Ramadan was Allah Allahu ala Sayidina Muhammad Madani Nabil Omiya early he was so happy about because ALLAH SubhanA wa barakato Bill ISAIAH MILES

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the phone was salam ala mode serene, while hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen Salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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or plays and things that you Sarita Allah subhanahu wa Tada traces peace blessings and salutations upon our Master and exemplar Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Anessa Hanby Kumar welcome you to our new series of lectures on the fasting of the month of Ramadan, and related matters. We are still using Kitab cm or other we are still using hunger to Salic which is a renowned chef, you're a textbook. The particular chapter focused on now is Kitab LCM. So Ramadan, what would Ruby's cm we are looking at fasting in the month of Ramadan and the obligation of fasting. There are a few slides that were not completed from the previous course on janazah but the video will be

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uploaded the villa hopefully by tomorrow. I'm just busy editing a few things there in solitons preceding media immediately be Hilah we have quite a bit to cover

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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim kala musante for Rafi Mahalo to either whenever I know Allah will be your alumi he will aluminium Amin

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he Ijebu so more Ramadan Ida Cooley Muslim in Berlin alkylene recorded in Allah Somi mal Holloway and hyaline manifests in those who wish to follow along online and for those present in the masjid as well. The link to download the notes is available on the on the video. So if you go to the magic Facebook page, or to the internet Academy, YouTube Channel or Facebook, you'd find the link in the description of the video to download the course notes. And it will be exactly what you see here in shallow data.

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Fasting Ramadan is obligatory for every Muslim, male or female who has reached the age of puberty and is sane. So this concept of barley or appeal, there's a name for it. We've covered that before someone who is ballin and alkyl. Together, that person is generally referred to as McAuliffe. That person is mukha left meaning they are duty bound. When the Sharia speaks, it is addressing them for the most part, then, can be the fast meaning they are able to endure the fast, they don't have any particular weakness or illness that would limit them from being able to fast they can endure the fast. And then finally, if a female is being discussed, then she should not have a period of

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menstruation or be in a state of postnatal bleeding only fast. One important point that was brought to my attention by shareholder Acharya. One of our female scholars here in Cape Town is that women often feel that when it comes to Ramadan if they are not experiencing a clean period. In other words, if they are if they're hired or if they are in a state of affairs, then they often feel left out. They often feel as though they cannot benefit fully from Ramadan. But this is a misconception.

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By not fasting they are obeying the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala because it is far for them it is obligatory for them not to fast. So that to the obedience in not fasting is actually a form of iboga for which they will be rewarded by Allah subhanaw taala. And further even though they cannot fast or recite Quran, these a myriad of things that they could do to follow the time between either so that they can still benefit from fasting. The following are not required to fast. So obviously this list is going to be covered

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data to the previous list. Those who are obligated to fast these ones are not required to fast. Number one, a non Muslim. This means that we do not ask that person too fast, nor would it be valid. If they did fast, you'll often find this either people who have Muslim family, or they are somewhat interested in Islam, or they think of it as an opportunity to lose weight, whatever the case may be, they decide they're going too fast in Ramadan. And if people decide to do that, you should embrace it. You should tell them go ahead, you know, go for it. This is how we do it. This is the time to start, et cetera. But you should also understand that it's not valid from them. It's not like

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they're going to be rewarded for that because they don't have the prerequisite of faith

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still in our madhhab and in the belief of Allah, sunnah Jana such a person is McAuliffe. In other words, they will be questioned on the Day of Kiama not just about why did you not embrace faith in Allah and His messengers, but they're also going to be held accountable for every individual act that they did not fulfill. That's the belief of Allah sunnah while GEMA This is a side issue that comes up here I don't want to get into too much. But there is a difference of opinion about the Furu, Sharia, right the Furu, meaning the individual laws of the Sharia, making sila being Zeca fasting in Ramadan, not consuming Riba, etc.

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authoritative position in Alessandra, Jana is that they are obliged they are McCullough, they are duty bound by Allah as I just explained,

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but because of minority situations such as ours, where we interact with non Muslims all the time,

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and it would affect our daily life and careers. If we follow through with the implications of that law,

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we therefore adopt a minority view that states they are not to be considered duty bound when it comes to interacting with them. So for example, if you run a takeaways,

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then in Ramadan, not only can you not sell to Muslims, because they should be fasting, right, assuming the eating day, you also cannot sell to non Muslims because they are duty bound by the laws of the Sharia. So that is a problematic area, technically, we relied upon view would be that you're not supposed to sell them food or facilitate for them to eat, or break the rules of fasting. But because that is somewhat impossible to do, in a practical sense, the scholars have opted for not following through with that and saying that, you can just deal with them as per normal. And Allah knows best. A child is not required to fast we will discuss the issue of children and when they

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should be trained, and how a little later. Number three, someone who is insane. Right, so now the question comes, to what degree of insanity Are we speaking, that's not my field of expertise, but I would state that anyway, it is a crossover between Sharia and medicine or Sharia and a particular scientific field, then the two would cross over with mutual consultation. So if a family member is baps uncertain, you know, my child is mentally challenged, or they've got some mental illness. Are they suitably qualified to fast or should they not fast? I can't answer that question. That's the type of question you would have to go to a suitably qualified Muslim psychiatrists to make an

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assessment, like To what degree of mental illness is this person affected? And can they foster not? Then based on what the IOM says, according to what we read in here, and what the Muslim psychiatrist says, collectively would make that decision? Why a Muslim psychiatrist, why not any psychiatrist, or when we speak about the doctor for what is about to come in terms of illness? Why do I specifically say a Muslim physician, as opposed to a physician in general? See, the God conscious Muslim physician would be aware of the weighty nature of Ramadan, and it's not something that's, you know, light, you're not doing it by the way, this is not intermittent fasting. We're not trying to lose

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weight. It's a pillar of Islam. So the Muslim physician would take that into consideration, whereas a non Muslim or somebody who is not God conscious enough, imagine, you know, just take your tablets. You know, why why bother fasting, even though there is an option for you to perhaps take your tablets in the morning and

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In the evening, but we'll get to that as well.

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Then number four, someone whom fasting exhausts because of advanced years or has an illness from which he is unlikely to recover. Now I need you to put your thinking caps on. This is not random illness, I got the flu, my big toe is so I got a headache. He's saying specifically, someone whom fasting exhausts the elderly, for example, they fail, because they've advanced the years, or they have such an illness from which recovery is unlikely. A good example of this is

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diabetes of a certain severity. I don't know the types and the like.

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But certain levels of diabetes require constant insulin, for example. Certain other medical conditions require constant medical treatment tablets at a specific time, every day or multiple times a day. And it's not a temporary illness. It's not like we're just taking it for a month, and then they're going to end. This is someone who is unlikely to recover this particular number for year this particular category.

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They are the ones who should be paying Vidya.

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They are the ones who should be paying Vidya.

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And one other category that will mention later, during these women are breastfeeding women with specific conditions. Other than that, no one pays Vidya. You don't pay feed. Yeah, because you have to break your fast from a flu, you have to break break your fast because you were injured. Right? If it's a temporary illness, you don't pay for media, you simply make up for that day.

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So none of the above mentioned is obliged to fast. Or to make up missed fast days, though, someone who misses a fast because of number for this one year must give 0.75 litres of food, which is the calculation of failure for each day that he misses. Right. So this person can never make up the day.

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This person can technically never make up the day because it's an illness from which they're not going to recover. So they pay video for the entire month, then we move on the following are not required to fast, though they are obliged to make up the fast days missed. Making up according to our madhhab means that one fast a single day for each obligatory fast that is missed. Number one, those who are ill not the type of illness we just discussed every other type of illness. What type of illness would permit for you to break your fast for you to not fast. Year is the criteria, the illness that permits not fasting, being that which fasting would worsen delayed recovery from or

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cause considerable harm. The same dispensation applies to someone who needs to take medicine during the day, that breaks the fast and that he cannot delay until nighttime. Now, that's not your decision to make, that you don't play with your health if you have a serious illness. And here I'm speaking specifically to our mothers and fathers. I know it is difficult to realize that look, your health has deteriorated or your age has advanced to the point where you can no longer fast. And you may play Doctor, Doctor doctor or Dr. Google and decide no, no, I read on some website. They said it's okay if I take my tablets before 5g and optimality No, don't do that. You may end up liable for

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punishment because you played Russian roulette with your health. What you should do is understand that if a Muslim physician, a God conscious Muslim physician assesses your health and says no, I'm sorry, you cannot fast you're going to cause damage to your health, then by not fasting, you will be rewarded.

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By not fasting, you will be rewarded. So it's important that we understand that don't fast to appease your conscience fast to please Allah or don't fast to please Allah. Right? That is how a bad diet works. We don't decide what is a bad and what is not. So that's important day. Number two, those who are traveling. Those who are traveling and the type of journey that permits breaking the fast is what we have already covered previously when we discussed Salah and shortening the solder and joining between the Sadhas

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on travel. We will go through that again year. Number three a person who has left Islam. Someone who has left Islam also falls into this category, meaning that when they leave Islam, and then they come back

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have to make up for the fasts that they missed while not being Muslim. Somebody who embraces Islam who was never Muslim before, they don't need to do anything. Because the day they embrace Islam, whatever happened before that is wiped away, they start off in a fresh, clean slate. But if somebody leaves Islam and comes back, they are liable to repay what they've missed during that time, including the solder, including the solder.

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And then number four, a woman who is in a menses or period of postnatal bleeding. All of these ones, all of the aforementioned year, they are not required to fast, but they must make up the days later. They must make up the days later if the ill person or traveler Now here again, this ill person.

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This is not the person that the doctor said to Luca, you can't fast you're going to run into problems, right? This is the ill person with a doctor see leukemia, you can fast but if you feel weak, then rather break your fast. So it's not like a blanket ruling. The doctor said no, you can't fast.

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So if the evil person or the traveler who is permitted to break the fast, if they decide I'm going too fast, I'm going too fast. Regardless, it would be valid. Though a fast by someone who has left Islam or a woman in menstruation, or period of postnatal bleeding would not be valid. So a lady with high she can say for example, I know I have my high, but I think I can manage the fast anyways, I'm going too fast, it would not be valid.

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When not fasting on a day of Ramadan. If a non Muslim becomes Muslim, or an insane person who regains his sanity, or a child reaches the age of puberty, it is recommended but not obligatory, not obligatory, that they fast for the rest of that day, and make up the fast later, because that day doesn't count. But it's still recommended that they foster the rest of that day.

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A child who reaches puberty while fasting on the day of Ramadan while fasting, so you have your

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13 year old daughter, and she's fasting already. And then on that day, she has a high so she becomes Muslim. That's a bad example. Because he's not fasting.

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Okay, you think of an example, a child becomes mocha love while fasting on the day of Ramadan. Such a child is obliged to continue to fast the rest of the day, and is recommended to make it up later.

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A woman whose period ends during the day of Ramadan is recommended to fast for the rest of the day, not obliged was recommended and is obliged to make up the day later.

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And the fast days before it of course, while she had a high so this diagram would clear it up.

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So you have a non Muslim who becomes a Muslim, or an insane person regains the sanity, they will temporarily insane, temporarily insane, they become saying the consequence, they are recommended but not obligated to fast for the rest of the day and make up the fast later.

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A minor who becomes an adult, it is obligatory upon them to fast for the rest of that day and make up the day later. And a menstruating woman or woman in postnatal bleeding, who's hired only fast stops she is recommended to fast the rest of that day and it is obligatory upon her to make up that day later.

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Now we proceed to the sizing of the moon essentially, if the testimony of one witness a single witness, generally in Islam, when you have anything a court case you name it for anything we witnesses are required. The standard is to upright male witnesses in the case of fasting the month of Ramadan and certain other activity Badatz not only for Ramadan, but certain other activate of riba like woof of Arafa like somebody's embracing Islam before they pass away, but only one person witnessed the embracing of Islam. There are certain other instances as well, then one witness suffices. So if if a witness comes forward and he testifies he based witness he makes shahada not

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saying a shadow Allah Allah illallah wa shadow and the Muhammad Rasulullah ash had to Anurag a tool Hillel, I be witnessed that I saw the crescent moon

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During the previous night, he says Luca, last night, everybody was out at three Anchor Bay. The announcement was made, there is no moon etc. But I saw the moon last night.

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If such a persons witness is made during the next day that was initially uncertain people with deep deliberating, did they see the moon didn't they see the moon, then it is obligatory for all the people to force the rest of that day and to make up that day later. So everyone who falls under that particular jurisdiction, which we will mention in greater detail just now, all of those people would have to foster the rest of that day and make it up later. So we'll get a bit deeper into this witness story. What are we speaking about? You have Shaban

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on the night, after the 29th day, so you have the 29th day, the night would be either as a city as night, or it's going to be the first day of Ramadan. So that's the night that they go inside the moon over here.

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So they attempt but they don't see it.

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Either because of it being cloudy, or whatever the case may be in this day of the year is either going to be the 30th of Shaban or the first of Ramadan. That day is known as Yun was shocked the day of doubt if they didn't see the moon. So this is the day and the person comes forward. And he says listen, I actually saw the moon last night is an upright witness is suitably qualified. The Hakim listens to him. Now in an Islamic country, ruled by Sharia, which basically doesn't exist, you would have the Hakim, someone appointed by the Sultan with the army as being the overarching judge, the the supreme judge if you'd like. That person is appointed to hear the testimony of people say if you

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say you saw the moon, they're not just going to accept your testimony, you have to go to the Hakim and in front of the Hakim say eyeshadow and Mira, a tool healer, I be witnessed that I saw the moon, the Hakeem would decide are you a suitably qualified witness, accept your testimony and then declare that the next day is Ramadan.

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In our case here, and in many other places in the world where we don't have this type of political infrastructure or civil infrastructure, you have an ad hoc system. So here we go back into our history. The scholars of Islam came together in the cape, they said look, we need a body and organization, they formulated the MJC. The NDC has a judiciary the role a judicial role, which is to judge matters, so it is hakama they judge they then appoint a body of representatives, which they call the the judges and other body called the fatwa committee, they essentially decide these things. Now in the case of the MJC, there have a specific hacking for the sighting of the moon issues

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previously to shake Suraj Romolo data, and now it is she mad

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she Rogers brother. So essentially serves as this role. We have the man keiki society or the crescent observer society who have been appointed by the scholars to fulfill this task on a monthly basis. And this is essentially the process that takes place on three Anchor Bay and everywhere else in the country. But we'll get a bit further into that detail as we proceed. So if the testimony of a witness that the new moon has been seen during the previous night, is made during the day of uncertainty, then it is obligatory for people to fast the rest of the day and to make it up later as previously stated.

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A child

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is ordered to fast at the age of seven and 10 is punished for not fasting, but they are reservations to this. So this is essentially from the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem Maru Elijah can be solid evohome habanero separately seen him while the boy whom Allah whom I've been I've actually seen in refer Rico By whom Phil Moldavia. Command your children with pray when there are seven, punish them when they reach the age of 10 and separate the beds. This is not a license for child abuse. Child abuse is haram.

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This is a methodology of training children so as to make them accustomed to the rituals of Islam before they reach the age of puberty. Seven because that is generally regarded as the age of them yeahs whether they're

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able to distinguish between good and bad and right and wrong somewhat independently. So this call is recommend that you start training them from that age. But what does this training consists of?

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This is not, you save and now you save and now, so humans wake up of budget abs to hold fast the entire day to Maghreb no matter what. No, you're seven now. So now, you're supposed to fast die. You supposed to fast, fast, as much as you can. But if you see the child is struggling, if you see the child is crying, the child can't anymore, take the child break the fast, they are not McAuliffe. This can carry on for several years, until they reach the age of 10, we now you become a bit more strict. Right? You put rules into place, now you must force that's the default. And you must not break your fast, unless you really cannot anymore. And if that is the case, then you come to me, we

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see if you can deal with it. If you can't deal with it, then we will break your fast accordingly. Right? So it's training, it's training. Right? And Allah knows best.

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Will you be home? Okay, I'm not going to read the Arabic it's going to take up too much time, excessive hunger or thirst.

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When you say that somebody who is experiencing excessive hunger or thirst can break fast. This is not

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Yeah, it's lunchtime now it's the first of Ramadan.

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I'm hungry man.

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And then your colleagues come in with, with takeaways or whatever the case may be. That's not what is being referred to your excessive hunger thirst means it's likely to cause death or illness. Now illness here what's the what's the most likely thing to happen

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from excessive hunger before anything else?

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In terms of illness, what's the first thing that's likely to take place?

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But then that would just be running out of energy in terms of even when you can just say no, no, this person is getting sick now. What's the first thing that's probably going to happen?

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So the first thing is hon Allah that's, that's severe. I'm saying like early signs of leukemia, this person is fasting, this fast is not going to work.

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They could be shaky, fainting, fainting, if you become so weak, dizzy, lightheaded, etc, that it causes you to pass out, then break your fast. This is This is bad. Okay.

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So these are legitimate excuses not to fast. Even when they occur on a day that one has already begun to fast. As soon as the fast becomes a hardship in light of that, and you're you are the policeman over yourself. It's between you and between Allah. Right? You can't fool anyone. So Bismillah

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it is permissible, not too fast when traveling. Now, just quickly, if see if you remember the conditions without looking here.

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The Journey must be full of possibilities, and it must be at least 80 kilometres one way, you must be staying in one particular location for more than four days. That is generally the criteria with which you can determine Can I shorten my praise? Can I join between praise? Can I break my fast.

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So if the traveling qualifies,

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then even if the person made the NIA the night before, he may break his fast on that day, provided that the conditions are met. And in addition to that, that one leaves before Fajr. That one leaves before Fajr.

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So you started your journey before budget. If you start your journey after budget, then on that particular day, you can't break your fast according to the more atonement that relied upon view.

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Of course, if you still fasting, rather, if you still traveling the next day, then the next day you you started the day while while traveling already. So there's no issue there. So as an example, you're going on a business trip, you're going to some country in Africa. So you leave 10 o'clock the morning, you started fasting already, that day, that particular day, you go and say look, I'm traveling, I'm going to break my fast now it's lunchtime on the plane. Now you have to continue forcing for that day. But the next day, assuming you're still traveling, you haven't become resident anyway, then you can take this dispensation,

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one is not entitled to omit to the fast if one leaves off the Fajr according to the Martin view, it is now we all know that traveling today, even if you're going to make

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Can Medina you name a destination traveling is much easier than what it used to be. It's still difficult, no matter how comfortable it is the very nature of travel is that it is difficult you live in your home, your sleeping patterns are out. You know, there are many inconveniences. So the question now becomes does this still apply? The answer is yes, it does that apply the same options that existed before exist now. You don't have to take this dispensation, you can decide no, I'm going too fast.

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So what is the rule? Is it better than to take the dispensation? Or is it better to leave the dispensation and follow the strict rule and fast, it is preferable for travelers not too fast, if the fast thing is going to cause harm. And here again, you can apply what I said earlier, and the person becomes very weak, lightheaded, faint, etc. Dehydrated even then I would say the preference is not too fast. But if there is no harm, no foul, you can endure it, it's easy for you you are just relaxed, then it's better for you to actually fast right now learners based

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across time zones.

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dispensation exists irregardless of review, the question was about what if you traveling over time zones and the like? The dispensation applies, even if you're going to

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Portillo's Elizabeth, you drive into Port Elizabeth, you don't have to go as far as you know, across time zones. As long as you your journey falls within the parameters of a recognized travel, a legitimate travel when the dispensation applies. This issue that we're speaking about now is preference, you have an option. You don't have to break your fast, nor do you have to fast. The question is, which is better for you? That's for you to decide, is it easy for me, it's no harm, no foul, I'm not going to find any difficulty whatsoever. Bismillah fast.

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And if there's some sort of inconvenience, you feel like it's going to be very difficult, et cetera, then break the fast, neither of those individuals will be sinful, as long as they journey meets the criteria. Right, and Allah knows best.

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Now we get to the ladies, a woman who is breastfeeding a baby, or is pregnant and apprehensive harm to herself, or the child, she may omit the fast and simply make, make it up later

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than if a lady is pregnant. Or she's breastfeeding, and she fears for her own well being or for the well being of the child. She is permitted to break the fast and make up for the day later. But now there's some distinction.

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The distinction is as follows.

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If she fears for her health, as well as the baby's health,

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or she feels for her health alone,

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then she makes up the fast day later. And that's the end of the story.

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Nothing else. She's just babies in those days later, as we say. However, if she only fears for the health of the baby, and she has no concern for her own well being. In that case, she makes up the day later, and she gives a failure. You can ignore that.

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Some scholars regard the failure as being 500 milliliters in terms of volume worth of staple food.

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The revised contemporary calculation because these are calculations based on

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on units of measurement that we don't utilize anymore.

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But the more precocious calculation is to say 750 milliliters of food. So else we don't be surprised if you see PDF 500 milliliters and Fidra 200 milliliters, sorry, two liters, you may see those amounts. My amounts that I'll be using is based on the calculations given by our own oral Imam Malik teacher of him Allah Allah being one of the those who spearheaded that is 750 milliliters for failure, and three liters for fitrah

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But we'll talk about Phaedra and Vidya much later. Now, this should be very clear. A woman, she's either pregnant or she's breastfeeding.

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And she apprehensive Rukia I'm not sure it's safe for me to fast, I get lightheaded, I feel weak, etc. Can she break a fast? Yes, she can. Whether it is concern for herself or concern for a child, she may break a fast or not fast, and then make up those days later. However, if she only fears for the, for the health of a child, she's got no concern for herself at all, then she must also pay a figure for each day that she must. And Allah knows best. By the way, this is an important one as well, you would notice that our custom is that I think like 99.99% of people pay the fitrah or Vidya in

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cash. That's not the position of our school of thought that is the position of the Hanafi school of food. So we adopted for the sake of ease and for the benefit of the underprivileged. Because otherwise, the underprivileged, you can be sitting with heaps of rice, for Eid, and nothing to go with it. So it doesn't quite work out when the communities are so big. However, that doesn't apply here for this video. So ladies who need to play video in this respect, they have to actually give video in kind. So they need they need to give it in the form of a staple food like rice. Okay, why simply because you can't join between

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an opinion of the Shaffir in school and an opinion of the Hanafi school combining it in such a way that neither the Shafi school or the Hanafi school acknowledge that as a valid opinion that essentially what is referred to as Delphi, Delphi, right? Other than that,

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scholars have an arsenal Gemma I would generally be open to adopt opinions from any of the recognized mega hip, but not by mix and match. Okay, and Allah knows best. Now we go straight into citing the new Munna, we touched on this because of the previous issue. But this is dedicated discussion for that fasting Ramadan is only obligatory when the new moon of Ramadan is cited in respect to the person who sees it.

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So you go to three Anchor Bay, you see the moon, and you get back into your car and you drive home. You say I saw the moon. So everybody must force tomorrow. Now

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not for those who did not see it only for the person who sees it. It only becomes obligatory on everyone else. When

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we mentioned it already. They have to go to the appointed hacking. They have to go to the ruler, the judge and say Judge, I saw the moon I be witnessed that I saw the moon and the judge asked him

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fists J.

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Who are you? Can I trust you? etc. And then he takes the ruling and says tomorrow is is Ramadan. So people often you know become frustrated with the man kickers in our lemma. What are they chatting the Koran, they just say whether they saw the moon and they didn't see the moon,

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you're going to see the complexity developed. So number one is a process that needs to take place. Sometimes the witness comes from a dopey some way in,

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you know in a distant or remote town. And it's like a group of five people two people I say they saw the moon so now

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the Hakeem has to follow up on that. Who are these people? Is there an alum who can tell me that they trust these people? Are they Mussolini's at any particular Masjid? Did they see where do they see the moon? Did they see the moon on that horizon or that horizon? Now it's impossible for them to have seen it on the other horizon. They saw a star, right things like that. So these are the deliberations that take place. That's the one level but it goes a bit beyond that. If it is too overcast to be seen. Then the preceding lunar month Shaban is presumed to last for 30 days, after which people begin fasting Ramadan if the New Moon is cited during the day, meaning the following

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day we mentioned this issue already before noon on the last of the 30 of the of the 30 days. Then it belongs to the following night. So we've had this before they didn't see the moon last night. Now they sing it today in the viewer say my dazi man

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you know is the moon what how can they say there was no moon? Now you sighting it now they didn't see it when it needed

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To be cited, that moon is considered to be the moon of tonight. Does everybody understand that?

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And the ruling for that day does not change. When does it change? We mentioned this already. When does it change?

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when does it change? So it's now the 50th day, people say they didn't see the moon last night. But now all of a sudden, something happens. And then it changes what?

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A witness comes forward. And he says, I saw the moon last night. I couldn't get to the Hakim. I couldn't get to three anchor but I didn't know she had my cell phone number. I didn't know who to contact at the MJC. But that will lie I saw the moon and so and so was with me and we were standing the so they come Hackie listens to his testimony examines what they say checks the evidence based on you know what they are claiming. And then says, Well, if you saw the moon, I have to accept your testimony declares that it is in fact Ramadan today, people need to stop eating, and everybody needs to pay up today. Later, make it up later. So that's also a possibility unlikely but still a

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If the moon is seen in one city, but not another, then the hola might differ as to what needs to take place here.

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If the two cities are close, I'm gonna analyze in Arabic as I go on for interCall. Raba, if there are close, I'm Mel hokum, then the hokum, meaning the ruling of the one applies to the other.

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If the cities are close, in the ruling of the one applies to the other, were Illa. But if they are not close, if they are not close, then they don't apply. Now, the question is, what is close and what is not close?

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So the sheriff in a school there are different opinions about this in the Shafi madhhab. Some scholars regarded close and not close to be the distance of a valid journey, so 80 kilometers apart. That is not that is not relied upon position, as I mistakenly think. So they say now can you accept the testimony of people who saw the moon in Joburg? Joburg is far more than 80 kilometers away? Right? That's not relied upon position. What is the relied upon position, while boy do big Tiller fill moto Alia closeness and fineness is based on

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different horizons, sunrise and sunset horizons. That is this line here. It's not the lines of longitude which go down like this.

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Nor is it the lines of latitude which go down like this.

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It's this line here. These places share a common sunrise and sunset time, this line of code shifts as the sun rises and sets. So because they follow the same sunrise and sunset times, they also follow the same moon rise and moon set times. So the relied upon position of the Shafi school is that if the moon is cited in any place on this line,

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anyplace on this line, then that sighting will count for everyone else on that line.

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And everyone to the

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to the east. So everywhere on that line, and everyone to the east of that line, will take the same ruling that's the relied upon position of the Shafi school.

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That is not the position that we follow. You're in South Africa.

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In South Africa, the scholars have decided I don't know when but the scholars have decided at some point in our history when you had the MJC. You had the Jamia to orlimar you at different organizations. And then we had situations where the world was becoming a village. So now we heard but they saw the moon day we didn't see the moon year we need to come to terms with what position are we going to follow? So based on the networking, the trust, the procedural,

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not the procedure, the procedures that are in place by the scholars, they've been agreed any one of the scholarly bodies falling within the perimeters of South Africa. If they claim based on the Sharia, that they've cited the moon, then the entire South Africa will follow that sighting. That's the agreement that the scholars went on. And that is perfectly permissible for them to do because it falls within the scope of what the Sharia says

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the criticism comes in, but what about nearby neighboring countries like Namibia and the like?

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All I know is that the scholars have discussed this time and time

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Again, and the reason for them not extending it beyond South Africa was that they don't know. Or they don't trust the procedures that have been put into place elsewhere, where they know exactly what procedures are put into place here by our own scholars. It's not a matter of No, you're not South African enough for us. So we don't like you. It's just a matter of procedure. That's what the scholars have claimed. I'm not too involved in that. If you want more details, you have the main menu, Imam, like any mom can give you details in relation to that. So that's essentially what the mother says. It is based on Bic de la fille mattala at different horizons, sunrise and sunset

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horizons need to give some examples, Cal hijas what we refer to as Arabia, Iraq and missile or Egypt, what kala Akela, meaning it's a week of you be most of myself until casa, that you should judge it based on the 80 Kilometer ruling. Right. So that's that we've got

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three more quick slides to go through the testimony of a single witness that the new moon has been cited is sufficient to establish the month of Ramadan has come. Fortunately, I've discussed this before, provided the witness be upright male responsible for the duties of Islam. This excludes boys who have reached the age of discernment Tamizh but not the age of puberty.

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When it comes to the discussion of female witnesses, female witnesses, why does Islam distinguish between the testimony of a male and the testimony of a witness, I can stand on my head and whistle through my toes and give you excuses as to why it says that. But at the end of the day, it is, you know a plethora of wisdom. But it is essentially the ruling of Allah. It's clearly spelled out in the Quran. It's not a matter of interpretation. It's not a matter of male chauvinism, or misogynistic interpretation of Islam at all. It's mentioned explicitly in the Quran. So we have no choice but to follow that, and scholars would offer up reasonings as to why right, they would

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mention things that I don't necessarily agree with, but they would mention emotions that would mention

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different factors coming into play that the witness may be influenced by this or by that or that the leader of the household may influence them all types of excuses. I don't necessarily agree with all of those excuses. But at the end of the day, the ruling remains the same. Many scholars have written about this and discussed this. Unfortunately, it will take us far away from the topic if we were to get into that. But I'm more than happy to address it at the latest stage. Suppose a person this is an important one, suppose a person knows by calculations is a classic fix. This is not something that was written yesterday, if someone knows by calculation, or by knowing the position of the

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stars, astronomy, that the next day is Ramadan, Visa, Mooney, you can't see it, but it's the if such a person knows that, in that case, fasting is nevertheless not obligatory. It's not obligatory

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for that person or for the public.

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But for that person, they may

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start Ramadan. Why? Because they have the necessary knowledge they can rely on their own knowledge no one else is duty bound by their knowledge. The long the long story of this is not relevant for us right now. The short story is this the Sharia

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will always default back to matters that are accessible to all and sundry

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times of sila

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anything that can technically become intricate and detailed? The Sharia always reverts back to accessibility to whether you are the poorest of the poor or the richest of the rich. So exclusive scientific knowledge the Sharia is not going to make that the axis upon which that leaf is based. Right? So if a person says now I can tell you that is definitely a moon yours The science is clear, masha Allah go ahead and fast Ramadan but it's not obligatory for you know is obligatory for any of us.

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Lastly, suppose it is difficult to learn which month it is for someone imprisoned or the like someone being held in a dark place who cannot tell night from day someone who does not know when Ramadan has come because of being in a land without habitations of people who know and it is in that case, what must the person do? They must try to reckon when Ramadan is as best as they can, and then they must fast it. Such a fast is valid if it remains unknown so they never come to discover we

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Are they calculated correctly or not? Then they first is valid.

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If it did coincide with Ramadan, it's definitely valid. If they come to discover that it did not coincide with Ramadan, then it would not be valid and then they have to make up for it. And Allah knows best. So that's the end of our lesson next week we go into the conditions of a valid fast and we take it from the I assume it's Maghreb already. So we will go immediately into the sada please reserve your your questions for next week. Unfortunately, we cannot take questions after the sila because there's a meeting taking place here. So you have one of two options, those online you can always leave your your questions in the comment section. For those present here. You can either come

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and ask me personally, or wait until next week and we address that collectively in the night allah sallallahu ala Sayidina Muhammad Subhanallah he will be Hamdi Subhana Allah Morbihan Nick Nasha. To Allah Allah, Allah and Dennis stove Shirakawa to Greg Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh